One Foot Forward

Each radiation appointment feels like I am putting one foot in front of the next and moving forward, but slowly. Driving up to the hospital every day gets old pretty fast, although I shouldn’t complain because there are many that drive much further than I do to the hospital. I guess a factor in it is that being at the hospital reminds you that maybe you aren’t well. I have a calendar at work that I check off each day after...

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Aren’t I the Lucky One?

I really like to think of myself as a go-getter. I want to be first in lots of things, but not radiation side effects. Three days after my first treatment the crook of my neck hurt after I wore an ultra baggy shirt that had a collar (I figured baggy would be good, but I guess collar is bad). Wait a minute… three days? They told me three weeks and I might start to show a little pink on the skin. I asked the radiation therapists...

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Zap Zap

Day 3 down (which my father says that means I am 10% done, he is a CFO/accountant type, numbers do tend to be his way of life). Monday I had the first appointment at 9:30 AM, it was the only time they could squeeze me in that day. Tuesday started the 4:15 PM appointment, which is mine until I am done with treatment – which I guess they tack on a few extra days in the schedule just in case my doctor feels like tacking on an extra...

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Sharks With Laser Beams

Today I had an appointment for breast expansion and a separate appointment with my Radiation Oncologist now that Gus the drain is gone. I had a little fluid build up that decided to start Monday afternoon after I had been working all day. Ok, maybe a bit more than a little bit, so I worked from home Tuesday. Monday was the only day I didn’t keep things a bit contracted and wrapped up, from my previous experience of fluid...

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Back in the Saddle Again

Today was my first day back at work after I went on short term disability in May after I had to have surgery to remove my breast expander. Taking time off of work was bittersweet. I was so worn out that I couldn’t make it to work and heal properly, but I really didn’t want to have to take an extended leave from work. Between three surgeries and chemo every two weeks my body had had enough. I feel like I have rested and...

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