The End is Near

I hear that the rapture is expected to be this Saturday, May 21, 2011. The news is “a-buzz” online and my friend Michelle even had someone kind enough to knock on her door and warn her that the end is near, along with personal visitors there are billboards to support this message. So what I should have been doing today is borrowing a million dollars from a casino somewhere and betting on black, but alas, I opted to go to chemo instead, because the end of my chemotherapy treatment is near also.

I was pretty excited when I got the news yesterday that I was cleared to get my surgical JP drain out. This meant I could go in for chemo today because the plastic surgeon was pretty adamant that I was not supposed to have chemo until my drain is out. I really wanted to stay on track with my chemo because I am getting so close to being done I can almost taste the finish line.

My dad and little brother Dereck were along for the ride today (although we spent all week on the fence about whether or not I would go in). We pulled out the iPad that Mike gave me as a “hand me down” because he wanted an iPad 2. We downloaded Carcassone (a card game recreated for the iPad where you compete for land, roads and towns by placing cards) and played it for the whole chemo treatment.

Dad, Dereck and I.

I met with the radiologist for my first radiology appointment yesterday. She went through my medical history and recommended that I get radiation (which I already knew I was getting radiation as it was part of the breast cancer treatment plan that a committee of doctors at Hunstman Cancer Institute had decided was my best route to get and keep me cancer free.). She wants to start exactly 3 weeks after chemo (radiating, which means I have to prep before then, which means I need to physically be where I am expected to be on my left side, because I can’t change it during radiation treatment which is 5 days a week for 6 weeks). This creates a few wrinkles in what has been going on with my chest, so I have a lot of questions for the plastic surgeon on Monday at my surgery follow up appointment!

7 chemo treatments down, 1 to go!

Also, please vote for the Cancer Wellness House for my other friend Michelle! Vote here:

Author: Mandi

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