What to do With Mandi’s Estrogen?

What to do With Mandi’s Estrogen?

The hippity hot topic the last couple of days is my precious estrogen. I met with the OBGYN on Wednesday – that makes 3 days at the hospital this week, WHEW. I guess I should get used to it. I will be there every day next week (but not for several hours each visit like these). He was a dear sweet soul who checked to see if I was healthy enough for an oophorectomy or hysterectomy and talked me through the benefits of what we were...

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One Does Not Simply Lose Mandi’s Biopsy

One Does Not Simply Lose Mandi’s Biopsy

I had called to check on the status of my biopsy Thursday and my oncology nurse checked high and low for info and couldn’t find anything. She explained that pathology had been a bit behind and that two days was probably not enough time, but that she would call me either way Friday afternoon and let me know the status. She called me Friday and left a message saying she hadn’t seen anything, but that the nurse that would be...

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My radiation oncology appointment was mildly confusing today. I think at first she didn’t want to be tasked with telling me I was metastatic? I am not sure if she was aware of the conversations I have had with my oncologist (which could be confusing since I haven’t had an appointment since my CT scan, but we have had good communication through everything so far, which is one thing I appreciate about my oncologist <3)....

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The Pokings of the Spine

The Pokings of the Spine

So yesterday was National Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day. I was kind of sad that I didn’t really know there was a day, until this year. So, October 13 is the big day. Now you know. The MBC Alliance put out a really good report yesterday about what they are doing to combat metastatic breast cancer on multiple levels, and what we know that we don’t know. I am home a few hours post spine poke and feeling a tad blah....

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The Merry-Go-Round

The Merry-Go-Round

The problem with cancer sometimes is that you don’t actually feel sick, so it can be hard to realize that you really are sick. All I have is some back pain (which I am queen at, let me tell you… my employees lecture me about my attempts to do yard work or rake leaves… or any of those things that seems to result in an injured Mandi because I am apparently a total weenie). Last time I did a lot of weeding I did break...

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