Sweet Sensations

I have been having a lot of nerves wake up lately. Public Service Announcement: Tune out on this post if you are queasy about nerves and surgery stuff, but I am posting this for women considering reconstruction, a mastectomy, or are just strangely curious about your body after such events (I find this stuff fascinating). When I was 12 years old I was hit by a car when I was riding my bike across a crosswalk in front of my junior high....

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Home Sweet Home

I didn’t write much or really do much on the computer this hospital stay because it hurt to type and dilaudid somehow makes everything super blurry for me (I can’t read the computer screen very well). They had me scheduled to get prepped for surgery at 10:30 AM. Which had me a little worried because that meant I was most likely the last surgery of the day for my plastic surgeon (4 hour surgery that I figured would start...

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