I Didn’t Take a Picture
The week before my bilateral mastectomy I pondered taking a photograph of my breasts so that I could remember what I look like (sorry guys, not too many nude photos floating around featured yours truly). It may seem minor, but I was thinking about it because I knew they would never be the same. I didn’t take a picture. I realized that I could not bring that piece of what would become my past forward to haunt who I would become....
Fixing What Has Been Undone
I met with the plastic surgeon today, I had to write down my questions because I had so many of them and wanted to make sure I knew what to expect in the coming months. The first and main discussion was when I would have my next surgery and which surgery it would be. The plastic surgeon looked at my skin after the last surgery and told me that his recommendation is that I have the lat flap surgery on my right side. He told me he would...