If Perjeta Were a Person I Would Hug It

It has been a couple of weeks of my pain level creeping up. I have actually overall been feeling great. Energy improving, weight gain, but my pain in my spine and side has just been making me crazy. I kept reading about people taking about pain getting worse when their cancer cells were dying and was sort of grasping onto this concept quietly while I pondered what to do about this escalating situation.

Apparently when bones stitch together, they hurt like a son of a gun. My scan today said amazing things. I am in shock. I haven’t absorbed it.

1. Interval decrease in size and metabolic activity of the scattered bilateral pulmonary nodules. No new lesions.
2. No residual bone disease. The metastases demonstrate resolved metabolic activity with new sclerosis, indicating healed lesions.

For the rest of that this means: my bone mets appear to be gone. They filled up with dense bone and there was no uptake.


My lymph node tumors are gone.

My lung tumors shrank, no new ones this time.

I am not NED, but this is 3 infusions in!

Perjeta has only been out for about 2 years now. This is an amazing amazing drug.

My bad news is I seem to have cellulitis. D’oh. My ONJ is still hanging out, we are trying to work in when we are going to scrape out the dead bone in there.

Image is of my big glowing spot on my spine there, now gone. If you look closely you can see the same thing with the bigger one in my lower spine (the glowing areas on my jaw and chest are cellulitis and my ONJ. We are changing antibiotics):


I love you Taxotere/Perjeta/Herceptin. I love you. OOO & XXX.

Author: Mandi

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