“Resting” and Recuperating

Two weeks after surgery and I am "rockin it" and feeling awesome.

I am not the best patient at being patient I think. The entire “sit still and get better” worked for a few days. Mike has certainly cut back on my physical requirements around the house and has been so incredibly helpful (so cute that he gets me a mug down for my coffee and has the machine filled up for me and ready to go every morning when I wake up). I get cabin fever way too easily and have already been out shopping several times, visiting with friends, lunch out with family and just about anything I can come up with to get me out of the house (I even drove to work once, but I think it was just a teensy bit too early as it wore me out completely).

The nurse at the hospital has been calling me the energizer bunny because I can’t sit still (she called to give me the surgery results and I was out wig shopping with my mom, and it wasn’t even a week after surgery). Strangely enough I am not in any pain at all anymore, I may be slightly uncomfortable from the drains and the angles at which I am able to sleep (which is pretty much one position that I am comfortable in, which doesn’t stop me from trying to magically find a better position!). They did such a good job or I am a miracle healer, I am not sure which (I vote awesome surgery).

I get tired if I overdo it, but for the most part I feel pretty darn good after having had both of my breasts removed only two weeks ago. There are some new discoveries in the healing process (as I heal my pecs are tightening, so I feel like I am wearing a tight corset all of the time). The surgery looks really good, it is healing nicely, and I am still slightly amazed that they can do surgery like this. I really actually look like I have breasts with some incisions that need to heal still, but I have real life cleavage. I am going in for my first expansion on Friday the 18th, where they will add more saline and regularly grow out the breast expanders before the final breast reconstruction after radiation treatment. The nurse at the hospital mentioned that this surgical technique has been used in Japan for the past 30 years or so, and just took awhile (and is still taking awhile) to catch on completely in the US.

They took out 4 of the 5 drains. I have one rogue one needs to slow the flow. I was told that it has to be out before I start chemo (which makes sense of course, but I want to get chemo going so that can get chemo over with). So this drain better get its act in gear (plus I would like to enjoy some pre-chemo drain free time). I want to get cute and have one nice fancy dinner with my husband before dinner stops tasting quite as good.

I am working from home (which is a lot less glamorous when it isn’t as much of a choice). Everyone has been passing around different bugs at work, and a chest cold does not sound like a good time within a couple of weeks of surgery. Amber and Laura say they sanitized my office for me, so I am actually going to go in tomorrow and see if I can pull off a full day in the office. I will hopefully be back in the office for the next two weeks. I miss my awesome staff, bosses and work friends.

The toilet to be.

Our super awesome (I must like the word “awesome” today) friend Brady has been over caulking the floor and got the base of the toilet installed this week. The floor tile is sealed (still need to grout and seal the shower). The vanity and rest of the toilet should be ready to be installed today! The sanded caulk seems to take FOREVER to dry, otherwise it would be further along. We decided to get everything in the bathroom and finish the shower a little later with mom’s health being a bit worse lately (overdoing it working on my house, the stress from my situation, trying to work a normal job a little bit and taking me to the Huntsman regularly couldn’t have helped much :().

I had a Lymphedema rehabilitation appointment today where I learned how to help my body manage lymph fluid. I asked if only having 6 lymph nodes removed cut back on my lifetime risk of this, and I was told “no” – radiation seriously hurts the lymphatic system and I need to go ahead and do a basic daily lymph massage either way. The doctor ordered a  sleeve for me to wear if I am flying and when doing rougher exercise to keep the lymphatic fluid from collecting in my left arm where they removed a few lymph nodes (still excited about my surgery results by the way!).

Just taking it one day at a time, and then the chemo adventure begins! At least I am armed with a nice bag of goodies in preparation of what is to come (and who can’t love a pink leopard print fuzzy blanket?). This is serious, I love my chemo care bag from The Christi Anderson Rack Pack Foundation.

Author: Mandi

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