Clarification and a Cough

Sometimes I just wonder what should be a big deal and what shouldn’t be a big deal and when I can relax. I guess I should always relax, stress isn’t good for you. After my adventures last week I decided that I would make an appointment with my plastic surgeon to talk about the small revision I had been considering to my initial reconstructive surgeries (hey, he did a good job, but… you know… I have a part that...

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A No-Boob Mammogram

“I won’t be able to tell from an ultrasound if this is cancer or not cancer” That is totally what I wanted to hear from the radiologist right before he does an ultrasound to check a lump. I had my quarterly check up, not stressed, not one bit. I had my favorite purple smoothie in hand. I had had a cough thing going on that had been chest x-ray-ed antibiotics administered the previous week and that had been the only...

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Positively Positive

I have been making an effort to be positive lately. It may sound funny because as I started this breast cancer blog I surrounded myself with positivity (and maybe a wee bit of sarcasm, ok… a lot of sarcasm). I laughed at the random things that probably wouldn’t make most human beings laugh and I made it through each day so that I could wake up the next and say “wow, it is awesome to be here!” I was making some...

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